John Preston “Pres” Parry, M.D.

“Our team cares for patients as though they were family. We want to not only provide the best possible care, but also support you and be as clear as possible. When you understand why, the journey is so much easier.”
About John Preston “Pres” Parry, M.D.
After six years as the chief of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Dr. Parry opened his own practice. Positive Steps Fertility helps build families in Mississippi and surrounding areas with the personal, empathetic, successful care he become known for at the university.
Dr. Parry is also the inventor of the Parryscope® technique and approach, a breakthrough for fertility testing that can accurately, gently and quickly understand factors in female fertility with a single office visit.
“Fertility testing often takes too long and doesn’t give clear answers,” says Dr. Parry. “We needed something that gave fast results without hurting and still was accurate and safe.”
The root of his interest in women’s health goes back to while he was at Cornell in the ’80s when his mother faced breast cancer (and who now is a 28 year survivor!). Having been worried and confused back then, he wanted to make sure other families didn’t face the same challenges when they got treatment. “Being smart and getting great outcomes matters, but people also need clear explanations and want to know how much you care before they care how much you know.”
Dr. Parry explains how his communication style has evolved over the years making it so he can speak clearly with almost everyone.
“I used to use a lot of fancy technical terms, but then progressed from a Faulkner to a Hemingway point of view. Faulkner once critiqued Hemingway, saying, ‘He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.’ Hemingway replied, ‘Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?’ While I still tend to over explain and try never to talk down to people, you shouldn’t need a medical degree to understand your health.”
The importance of family
Dr. Parry believes that he can’t build families for others without valuing his own. He loves and appreciates his wife, Dominika, and their two children Marcel and Lucas.
“Having children after becoming a fertility specialist helped me truly understand the importance of helping others have a family,” he says. “Now my running routine has given way to tag and my P90X workout has been replaced by piggybacks. But I wouldn’t trade these changes for anything.”
Dr. Parry also enjoys reading (and will read anything and everything) because as he says, you never know where the next great idea will come from.
Meet Dr. Parry
Dr. Parry’s most important advice to his patients
“Fertility is hard, but don’t destroy a relationship in the process of trying to expand it. Get answers. Get support. Get peace. And find the right path for you.
“And then, if you are fortunate enough to have children, remember your roots and support those who are earlier in their fertility journey. Infertility doesn’t need to be one of the loneliest medical conditions – pay it forward by offering support to others struggling through infertility. Even helping a few people can make an enormous difference.”
Get some positive thoughts from Positive Steps
First Friday Fertility Facebook Live Videos
“My experience with Dr. Parry was amazing, to say the least. He is very caring, attentive and thorough. I did not believe doctors like him existed anymore. Although I traveled more than 2 hours for care, I would do it over and over again. His availability to my husband and me was unparalleled. I cannot say enough great things about him. If I had to describe him in one word, it would be heaven-sent.” – Kelvin and Tosheba, Healthgrades
“Dr. Parry is the most attentive, kind, generous with his time, physician I have ever had. He takes the time to make sure you understand everything fully. He quickly returns phone calls and emails. He makes you feel like your fertility challenges are his own. He truly likes his patients! – you feel like you are his only patient. I could not be happier with Dr. John Preston Parry. I would recommend him to every person who needs TLC in their medical needs.” – Anonymous, RateMDs
Dr. Parry’s Education, Professional Affiliations, and News
News clips
- Parryscope feature article: New Fertility Test Pioneered at UMMC
- Parry quoted: House bill proposed insurance coverage for treating infertility
- Parryscope feature article: Doctor’s scope replaces painful infertility test
Education & training
- University of Mississippi Medical Center, leadership development program
- University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
- Tufts Medical Center, residency in obstetrics and gynecology
- New York Medical College, School of Medicine, medical degree
- Columbia University, School of Public Health, MPH, sociomedical sciences, research track
- Columbia University, School of General Studies, postbaccalaureate premedical program
- Cornell University, School of Arts and Sciences, BA, triple major in chemistry, history and biology
Licenses and certifications
- Medical licenses, States of New York, California, Illinois, Tennessee and Mississippi
- American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Subspecialty Certification
- American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology Diplomate
- National Board of Medical Examiners Diplomate
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine
- Coding committee (appointment 2016-19)
- Technology committee (appointment 2017-20)
- Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
- Society of Reproductive Surgeons
- Website coordinator
- Coordinator for literature reviews (evidence-based medicine)
- American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists