Figuring out your fertility is a lot like computer errors. You are told the obvious: “System not responding. Checking for solutions online.” But how often is a solution actually found online? Dr. Google misdiagnoses more women than anyone I know. Dr. David Adamson, past president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, once said, “People don’t come to me for information, which is online, but for perspective.”
I have worn several hats in my career – from physician to bench researcher to dad (possibly the most important of these) to epidemiologist (a specialist in designing and interpreting clinical research). Having seen medicine through so many perspectives, I want to fuse common sense with evidence and talk about it in a way that is easy to understand. That’s the goal of these blogs.
Not everything I write about will apply to everyone, and there will be exceptions, so always check with your doctor before seeing if something is the right fit for you. However, I hope these blogs can make the journey a little bit less crazy and tough, and possibly even get you closer to the destination of being a parent.

IVF Made Simple

Fertility and Phoenixes

Finding More Love in Your Life